Suburbs Community Sports Club


Junior Rugby Sign On and Weigh In day

Come down to Suburbs Community Sports Club, on Sunday 9th or 16th March to sign up and be weighed in for our upcoming 2025 season.

All junior players, girls and boys from 4-12 years old.

All new players are required to bring a copy of birth certificate or passports.

Players fees are $90 for one child, $60 for every additional child from the same immediate family.

Starting at 10am we will have 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, & 10th grades.

11am – 12pm we will have 11th, 12th and 13th grades. (Please note we can only weigh these grades in during this 11am-1pm timeslot).

Previous players should have received an email to re-sign up for this season, you will still need to come down to weigh in though.

Any queries please contact the junior committee on

For further details contact:

Junior Rugby Contact:

We are in need of new Committee members so if you are interested in joining the Committee please contact us.