Suburbs Community Sports Club

“Waikato Club of the Year (2014 Waikato Rugby Union Awards)”​​​​​​​

Organisational Structure

  • Executive committee consisting of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Officer, Facilities Manager, Club Administrator, Funding Manager and Social/Communications Officer.
  • All members of the Executive exist in a voluntary role.
  • Outside of the Executive there are also voluntary sub-committees operating including: Junior Rugby, Senior Rugby, Touch Rugby, Netball, Lacrosse and Christmas at the Park.

Club Administrator appointed in 2016 in order to assist with the organisation/administration of the growing nature of the Club, the increase in sporting teams and codes on offer and to assist in relieving pressure placed on the voluntary Executives and sub-committee members.

Community Benefit

The Suburbs Community Sports Club provides the community with a wide range of sporting activities (currently lacrosse, netball, touch rugby, junior and senior rugby) within a centralised facility. We believe this is benefitting all age groups within the community by improving health and physical activity within a fair play sporting environment. The provision of an excellent sporting culture is fundamental to the well being of the local community.

Not only is Suburbs Community Sports Club offering magnificent sporting opportunities, it also provides a fun, family, social and cultural environment by making available the in-house commercial kitchen and bar facilities. We also organise charitable events such as the annually run “Christmas in the Park” which is the Club’s way of giving back to the supporting community. This event is a free activity day for families where we fundraise for worthy charities which has included the Alzheimers Society, the Waikato Hospital Children’s Ward, Rainbow Place and Waikato Family Centre. 2019 saw an impressive $13,000 raised for Rainbow Place and 2018’s effort raised $13,660 for Waikids, Waikato Hospital which substantially assists their causes.